


風変わりな eccentric, queer, odd

jubilee  節目の記念祭

経験を生かす use the experience

温度差 difference in degrees of enthusiasm

伝承する hand down orally, pass a story down by oral tradition

畏怖の念を起こさせる formidable, awe-inspiring

NICU Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

まとめ役、事務局 coordinator

無力感 sense of helplessness

濃厚接触者 a close contact, people in close contact (with an infected person)

水際対策 protection measures at ports or airports (against disease, smuggling, etc.)

世界恐慌 global depression

深刻化 aggravation, exacerbation, become worse, get worse

多様化 diversification

時宜を捉えた、タイムリーな timely

卒業生 alumnus(単数), alumni(複数)

人工呼吸器 an artificial respirator

相続 succession, inheritance

相続する succeed to (somebody’s estate), inherit

思慮深い thoughtful

昔ながらの conventional

だからこそ for this reason, because

風評被害 damage caused by harmful rumors or misinformation

人脈がある have a personal connection with

人脈  personal connections, personal relationship

鼓動  heartbeat

現実的 realistic

思いを強くする my will has grown stronger, the desire to do is getting stronger, that feeling became stronger

不適切な inappropriate


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